Let's Defeat

Justin Trudeau

Canada Proud is a grassroots group of Canadians working to defeat Justin Trudeau. As prime minister, Trudeau has repeatedly let our country down. Canada Proud is using the power of social media to hold Trudeau and his Liberals accountable. Millions of Canadians see our content each week.

Join thousands of Canadians pledging to vote out Justin Trudeau's Liberals.


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For every $5 we receive, we reach another 1,000 Canadians with our ads on social media. Chip in what you can.

spent on advertising
reached every week

Our work is changing Canadian politics.

Since launching in September 2019, Canada Proud has built a nationwide movement of Canadians committed to defeating the Trudeau Liberals. We are using the power of social media to hold the Trudeau government accountable. Millions of Canadians are seeing our content each week.

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